Saturday, October 15, 2011

Busy days

Never fails, the closer the end of deployment gets the busier we are. Our days are filled with school, play groups, errands and friends. Friday on a trip to the NEX Stinker got quite a surprise. We rounded the corner and there with fluffy ears and a round nose, dressed head to toe in pink, hoop skirt and all, was hello kitty! With an exclamation of 'pretty!' she was entranced. Sadly I had forgotten my phone so I didn't get any pictures.

Yesterday was rounded out by dinner and a movie at a friends. Meatloaf and the lion king. What could be better? So nice to sit and relax and get to talk to a friend while the kids play. Today our only plans are Corban's 1st birthday party! Tomorrow is Laurana's 1st birthday party, while next week is Nathan's 2nd birthday party with Stinkers the week after. Tis the season for birthdays!

Stinker has a new not so charming habbit. She's became a sneak. Hiding anything she knows she shouldn't have. Just now as she was trying to open a box of my chocolates her responce to the question 'what are you doing?' Was to throw the box to the side, slide down onto her back, roll over onto the box picking it up as she rolls over, sit up and clutch it to her chest. Anything she thinks she shouldn't have gets jammed into her lap or behind her back when she gets called out. Stinker. Lately has been battle after battle with her. To get dressed, to change her diaper, to sit in the cart. All of it comes with screaming now.

I love her though!

Mean while Little Man still doesn't like me to leave the room. He's getting so big though! He scoots some on his butt, though not enough for him to notice. I still can't believe my Little Man is almost 7 months old! And weighs 22 pounds to boot! You won't find a sweeter boy though!

I love my kiddos <3

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